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4.18.22 Workout of the Day

4.18.22 Workout of the Day

Happy Birthday Rush from your 515 class.

April “100 Challenge”
Accumulate 100 miles of run/ walk over next 30 days plus 100 sit-ups per day. These are very attainable goals IF you prioritize your time & really want to look & feel great for this summer season. Wod miles do count.

Strength: Power Snatch [12 minute window]
A) Build to a heavy set of 3 then
B) 1X3 @ 90% of heavy 3
C) 1X3 @ 80% of heavy 3

“Lung Island”
For Time
Calorie Row
Power Snatch (75/55)

3 rounds for quality
25 GHD sit-ups
1:00 minute plank
200 meter run

“Marathon Monday”
400 m run
26 push-ups
400 m run
26 abmat sit-ups or v-ups
400 m run
26 kettlebell swings (53/35)
400 m run
26 single Kettlebell deadlift (53/35)
400 m run
26 airsquats
400 m run
26 box jumps (24/20)

The workout pre-dates the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing, but now serves as a memorial for the victims of the attack, which took place on April 15, 2013. This CrossFit New England wod is completed every year... on the morning of the Boston Marathon. Athletes will alternate between 400 meter runs and 26 of a movement, one rep for every mile of the race. 

Please modify the volume accordingly as this workout should be completed in 50 minutes or less.

4.19.22 Workout of the Day

4.19.22 Workout of the Day

4.17.22 Workout of the Day

4.17.22 Workout of the Day